In 2007, Japan became a ‘super-aged society’ with the percentage of people aged 65 or older exceeding 21% of the country’s population. Ageing has accelerated ever since. The population of people aged 65 or older is forecast to increase to 36.77 million in 2025 and peak at 39.35 million in 2042. Sumitomo Group companies are working to support the lives of seniors who need care in various aspects such as developing and providing ICT equipment, monitoring system that evaluates the mobility of people and lightweight portable folding ramps.
Super-aging will accelerate not only in developed countries but also in the developing world over the next 50 years. Japan is a forerunner of this trend. This is an opportunity to set a good example for the world by pooling our talents and energy to resolve the issues.
To see how Sumitomo Group companies help seniors live life to the full, please refer to here.
Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact our distributor nearest to your region.
Singapore, Malaysia & Thailand- United BMEC Ptd Ltd
Tel: (65) 6305 2525 Email:
Hong Kong- FH Rehabilitation Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Tel: (852) 2413 0227 Email:
China中国- 広东頤思科養老服务產业有限公司
Tel电話: (86) 0769 2366 3317
South Korea (Railway business)-CoHaMa Co., Ltd
Tel: (82) 031 898 8360 Email:
South Korea (Others)- CaremaxKorea
Tel: (82) 031 901 9163 Email: